Think about being able to get up on your own time, work on your own time, and most importantly make money on your own time. You wouldn't have to commute to work. You wouldn't have to wake up at the crack of dawn. Your life would actually be yours to live on your own terms. This is all possible with internet marketing. Making money online with internet marketing allows just about anyone to make a full time income from the comfort of their own home given that they are willing to put forth some effort. However, it isn't only effort that will allow you to achieve success with online marketing as many will tell you. You can work and work and then work some more and not see a single cent if you aren't doing things correctly. In this article we'll be taking a look at what determines success in internet marketing and how you can achieve success for yourself.
The reason why most people fail online is because they simply aren't doing things correctly. When people first hear of the possibility of making money online they get very excited. They get excited because they automatically assume that making money on the internet must be ridiculously simple and require very little know how. Let me just tell you right now that this is completely false. The business of earning money online through internet marketing isn't as easy as a few clicks of the mouse and you won't be able to earn anything if you are just working several hours a day. Sure, it is great that you want to put in the hours but if you aren't doing things correctly then you've just wasted your time. Three hours of unfocused work is not the same as three hours of sticking to a proven plan of action.
And a proven plan of action is exactly what separates successful internet marketers from those who haven't made a cent through internet marketing and therefor aren't really internet marketers at all. If you want to make a full time income through the internet then you need to be following a proven model of doing so. You can't go from point A to point B if you are completely lost and have no sense of direction. So how do you expect to make an income on the internet if you have no clue what you are doing? A proven model allows you to do work in confidence because you are taking steps that are guaranteed to generate sales, leads, revenue, whatever! This is what it all comes down to in the world of internet marketing.
Would you like to learn about two of the most successful models for making money online? Would you like to gain access to material that will guarantee you make money with every step you take? I hope that you are because this is what generating a full time income and beyond is all about as far as internet marketing goes.
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But first, I want you to keep in mind that a responsive mailing list is your ideal target market, people that are asking you to send them information and offers by email. Many internet marketers make virtually all of their income just by sending email’s to their lists. Imagine how great it must feel to send out an email and in an hour or two have your inbox full of orders. It is very possible, especially when you take the time to employ basic and effective list building strategies.
When it comes to building your own list the first thing you should do if you want people to give you their email address is to make it very easy for them. If you have a website or blog add a subscription form to all of the main pages. Make it highly visible and offer your visitors something of real value in exchange for joining your list.
If you don’t have a website or blog you may want to consider setting one up just for your list building campaign, especially if you want to build a big list.
Above all else keep it simple! Keep in mind that people are busy and easily sidetracked, which means you don’t want to make them giving you their email address something that they have to think too much about or work too hard to do. The general rule is, the easier you make it the more email addresses you will collect!
If you have an existing customer base make it a top priority to get an email address from everyone that makes a purchase from you. Whether it’s during the sales process or after the purchase of one of your products make sure that you ask your customers for their email address. The optimum time to do this is before the purchase is completed because they will think it is part of the process.
It is very important to always remember that your customer must give you permission to send them promotional emails. Asking them for an email address as part of the sales process does not give you permission to add them to any other mailing list or bombard them with promotional emails. That can lead to spam complaints and you don’t want that. What it does do is give you the opportunity to follow up with them, ask how they liked the product or service and then entice them to join your regular mailing list.
There are many ways that you can entice people to join your mailing list.
Here are a few quick ideas that you can use;- Give them a bonus product, free gift or a discount on their next purchase when they subscribe.
- Send them to a webpage where they can download a free eBook, report or software related to the product they purchased.
- Offer them free access to member’s only website where they can get access to additional information, customer perks and special offers.
- Give them a chance to win a prize, by holding a free contest or sweepstakes for subscribers only
- Offer them free customer support and email consulting.
- Have them fill out a survey and give them a free gift as an incentive to complete the form.
The simple fact is that email marketing is essential for any business. Once you have a list, and begin building a relationship with your subscribers they will have more confidence in you and your business. Just make sure that you provide them with information that they will find helpful and beneficial.